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tertawa aja dibanyakin trus berdoa jangan lupa
Selasa, 17 April 2018
Aku yakin jodohku tak kan tertukar,
maka kufokuskan energi untuk meningkatkan kualitas diri.
Aku yakin rizkiku tak kan diambil orang,
maka kekerahkan energi untuk bersyukur dan lebih gigih menjemput rizki.
Aku yakin amalku tak kan dikerjakan orang,
maka kupompa semangat untuk meningkatkan ibadah dan amal soleh.
Aku yakin pertolongan hanya dari ALLAH.
maka kuhentikan keinginan untuk berharap pada selainnya.
semoga siapa saja yang membaca ini,menjadi pribadi yang yakin akan janjiNya.sehingga diberikan jodoh terbaik,rizki yang berkah,amal yang istiqomah.dan selalu dalam lindungan ALLAH SWT.(amin)
Sabtu, 30 September 2017
Nobar Film Dokumenter G30S PKI Di Graha Widya Wisuda
Tragedi G30S/PKI 52 Tahun Lalu, Kilas Balik Sejarah Kelam yang Tak Boleh Terulang
GERAKAN 30 September (G30S) yang mengguncang kestabilan keamanan nasional terjadi pada 52 tahun lalu. Tujuh jenderal tinggi menjadi incarannya. Mereka adalah Jenderal (Anumerta) Ahmad Yani, Mayjen (Anumerta) Donald Ifak Panjaitan, Letjen (Anumerta) MT Haryono, Letjen (Anumerta) Siswono Parman, Letjen (Anumerta) Suprapto, Mayjen (Anumerta) Sutoyo Siswomiharjo, dan Kapten CZI (Anumerta) Pierre Tendean.
Mengutip dari berbagai sumber, Jumat (29/9/2017), para pelaku merupakan oknum tentara yang diduga hendak memberontak dengan melakukan kudeta merebut pemerintahan. Diduga kuat mereka berhubungan erat dengan Partai Komunis Indonesia (PKI). Tapi benar atau tidak, masih menjadi perdebatan sampai saat ini.
Para pelaku kudeta mengawalinya pada 1 Oktober 1965 pagi dengan berkumpul di Landasan Udara Halim Perdanakusuma. Mereka kemudian bergerak menuju selatan Jakarta untuk menculik tujuh jenderal yang semuanya anggota staf tentara.
Tiga dari tujuh korban yang direncanakan mereka bunuh di rumah sendiri yaitu Ahmad Yani, MT Haryono, dan DI Panjaitan. Ketiga target lain yakni Soeprapto, Siswono Parman, dan Sutoyo yang ditangkap hidup-hidup.
Sedangkan Jenderal Abdul Haris Nasution berhasil kabur setelah melompati dinding yang berbatasan dengan taman di Kedutaan Besar Irak. Meski begitu, sang ajudan yaitu Lettu Pierre Andreas Tendean ditangkap. Kemudian anak gadisnya Ade Irma Suryani (5) tertembak regu sergap dan tewas di RSPAD Gatot Subroto pada 6 Oktober.
Para target dari G30S/PKI yang terdiri dari jenazah dan jenderal yang masih hidup kemudian dibawa ke sebuah rumah di kawasan Lubang Buaya, Jakarta Timur. Semua target yang masih hidup lalu disiksa hingga tewas. Kemudian semua jenazahnya dibuang ke sumur kecil dekat markas tersebut.
Pada pukul 07.00 WIB, Radio Republik Indonesia (RRI) menyiarkan pernyataan Untung Syamsuri, komandan Tjakrabirawa, pasukan penjaga presiden. Ia mengatakan Gerakan 30 September telah berhasil mengambil alih lokasi-lokasi strategis di Jakarta dengan bantuan anggota lainnya.
Namun, mereka ternyata melupakan Soeharto yang menjadi pimpinan Kostrad. Ia pun segera mengambil alih kepemimpinan dan membuat langkah penyelamatan. Soeharto cepat-cepat menghubungi anggota militer lain yang masih setia dengan NKRI. Selanjutnya berusaha merebut lagi fasilitas-fasilitas yang dikuasai G30s/PKI.
Selasa, 19 September 2017
Perilaku Konsumen Teori dan Penerapannya dalam Pemasaran
Widya Oktavia
Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan ( http:/fpik.ipb.ac.id) Institut Pertanian Bogor ( www.ipb.ac.id )
Kuliah Perilaku Konsumen IKK23 ( Consumer Behavior Class) Department of Family and Consumer
Sciences, ( www.ikk.fema.ipb.ac.id )
Prof Dr Ir UJANG SUMARWAN, MSc (www.sumarwan.staff.ipb.ac.id, www.
Ujangsumarwan.blog.mb.ipb.ac.id, sumarwan@mb.ipb.ac.id)
Dr. Ir. Lilik Noor
Yuliati, MFSA
Dr. Ir. Megawati simanjuntak, MS
Ir. Retnaningsih, MS
Ir. Md djamaluddin,
Sumarwan. 2011. Perilaku Konsumen: Teori dan Penerapannya dalam Pemasaran.
Jakarta: PT Ghalia Indonesia.
Kuliah Rabu Pagi
6 dan 13 September 2017
material summary of consumer behavior chapter 1
Consumer behavior is all
activities, actions and psychological processes that encourage such actions
before buying, when buying, using, spending products and services after doing
the above or evaluating activities. Consumer consists of several types:
Individual consumers: buy
goods and services for their own use, other family members, or for gifts.
Organizational consumers:
buy other equipment and services products to carry out organizational
Dimensions of consumer
behavior is the motivation or reason consumers use a particular product.
Example: consumers who use blackberry on the grounds of black berry features
are able to support its activities, especially in communication, in addition to
using blackberry pulsa more efficient because of the BBM feature so do not need
SMS anymore. Dimensions of other consumer behavior ie Related goods and
services, which include:
1. How to get it (buy, find
it, accept, produce, and inherit).
2. How to consume it
(eating, drinking, wearing, using, reading, watching, owning and caring)
3. How to remove residual
consumption (give, throw, recycle, resell)
Consumer behavior in the
Culture: The discipline of
consumer behavior evolves because there are packaging and behavioral
Consequences and behavior
Consumers in different countries use the same accessory
Economic and trade
globalization and widespread internet access have led to a growing number of
consumer behavior in various countries
Globalization causes
cultural and geographical boundaries to diminish
Aggressive marketing of
multinational corporations encourages consumers to easily access goods from
different countries
Reasons to learn consumer
General: Consumer behavior
can describe the things that happen around the consumer
Company: to attract new
customers and retain customers.
Businesspeople: to design
the right marketing strategy for each target country.
Consumers: to be a wise
and self-protecting consumer.
Consumer Decision:
Consumer decision is one
indication that indicates the acceptance or absence of a product by consumers.
Consumers will only buy products that are considered to meet the needs and
desires. The product itself has attributes that must be considered, ie elements
of products that are considered important by consumers and used as a basis in
making purchasing decisions. Consumer decisions are influenced by 3 factors,
namely marketing strategy, individual differences and environmental factors.
Individual differences that
affect consumer decisions include motivation, personality, characteristics and
Motivation: The existence
of the driving force that arises from a consumer that will affect the consumer
decision process in buying and using goods and services.
Personality: unique
characteristics that differ from one another. This difference will affect the
selection in the product.
Self-concept: one's
perception of the personality and personality of a person that includes honesty
and a sense of humor related to another is even expanded to include the
possession of goods.
Consumer-oriented behavior
consists of 2 types, namely:
General purpose: general
purpose, eg desire to buy a house and talcum powder
A special purpose: a
special purpose, an example of buying a house in a villa complex and buying
powder for itching and odor.
Maslow's old theory
Maslow has made the theory
of needs hierarchy. Needs hierarchy theory is often described as a larger,
lower-level pyramid representing a lower need, and the upper point represents
the need for self-actualization. Maslow's theory is as follows: whole
1. Physiological Needs
This is a biological need.
They consist of the need for oxygen, food, water, and relatively constant body
temperature. They are a strong need because if a person is not given all the
necessities, the physiological will come first in a person's quest for
2. Security Needs
When all physiological needs
are satisfied and no longer controlling thoughts and behavior, security needs
can become active. Adults have little awareness of their security needs except
in times of emergency or periods of disorganization within social structures
(such as widespread unrest). Children often show signs of insecurity and need
to be safe.
3. Love needs, affection and
When the need for safety and
physiological well-being is satisfied, the next class of needs for love,
affection and ownership can arise. Maslow states that people seek to overcome
feelings of loneliness and alienation. It involves both and receives love,
affection and gives a sense of belonging.
1. Este Needs
When the first three classes
of needs are met, the need for price can be dominant. It involves the need for
good self-esteem and for someone to get an appreciation from others. Humans
have a need for a firm, grounded, high level of self-stable, and respect from
others. When these needs are met, people feel confident and valuable as people
in the world. When the needs of frustration, people feel low, weak, helpless
and worthless.
5. Self-Actualization Needs
When all the above needs are
met, then and only then is the need for self-actualization activated. Maslow
describes self-actualization as a person needs to be and do what the person is
"born to do." "A musician must be musician, artist must paint,
and poet should write." These needs make themselves feel in signs of
anxiety. The man feels on edge, tense, lacking something, in short, anxious. If
a person is hungry, unsafe, unloved or accepted, or lacking in self-esteem, it
is easy to know what the person is uneasy about. It is not always clear what
someone wants when there is a need for self-actualization.
The weakness of Maslow's
1. Humans are described as
greedy, individualistic and selfish beings
This happens because in this
theory it appears that humans are never satisfied. When one's needs have been
met, there will be an increasing need for others. Regardless, each man has a
special standard for each of these needs even the standard will continue to
grow along with the times. So humans will never be satisfied with those needs.
2. Classification of
hierarchy of improper needs
Human beings are dynamic and
multidimensional. There is no need for a caste of need. Man consists of body
and soul, there is physical need, there is a spiritual need. The body needs
air, food, water, rest and it is necessary to keep the body functioning
properly. Because if the body lacks nutrients can cause the body to become
weak. Also, until now there is not enough clear evidence to show that human
needs can be categorized into five different groups or in a hierarchy.
Rabu, 16 Maret 2016
permulaan yang baik "cer"
17 march 2016
disaat yang lain udah banyak pengalaman dihidupnya saya hanya manusia biasa yang sekiranya ingin menulis perjalanan hidup diumur 19 tahun oktober lalu.
hingga saya tak bernafas lagi kenapa saya namakan blog ini woodie karna saya suka dengan huruf w dan berbau die semua orang pasti akan merasakannya "mati" makanya hidup cuma sekali pergunakan sebaik mungkin ... hidup sekali mati sekali jatuh cinta sekali gagal boleh berkali kali tapi bangkit juga berkali kali tidak ada orang yang sukses jika dia tidak pernah gagal . cerita kali ini ditutup dengan salam kebahagian dari kecer .
disaat yang lain udah banyak pengalaman dihidupnya saya hanya manusia biasa yang sekiranya ingin menulis perjalanan hidup diumur 19 tahun oktober lalu.
hingga saya tak bernafas lagi kenapa saya namakan blog ini woodie karna saya suka dengan huruf w dan berbau die semua orang pasti akan merasakannya "mati" makanya hidup cuma sekali pergunakan sebaik mungkin ... hidup sekali mati sekali jatuh cinta sekali gagal boleh berkali kali tapi bangkit juga berkali kali tidak ada orang yang sukses jika dia tidak pernah gagal . cerita kali ini ditutup dengan salam kebahagian dari kecer .
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Aku yakin jodohku tak kan tertukar, maka kufokuskan energi untuk meningkatkan kualitas diri. Aku yakin rizkiku tak kan diambil orang, maka k...
Widya Oktavia Departemen Ilmu dan Teknologi Kelautan ( http://itk.ipb.ac.id/~itkipb/ ) Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan ...
Aku yakin jodohku tak kan tertukar, maka kufokuskan energi untuk meningkatkan kualitas diri. Aku yakin rizkiku tak kan diambil orang, maka k...